Agriculture in transition

On the 30th of September, we were at the Syngenta headquarters in Basel (Switzerland) to talk about the future of agriculture. It was an internal event, destined for the company staff across the board, from HR to finance, IT to business development, R&D to communications. The goal of the event was to expose the Syngenta staff to external points of view, and NOWMORE was given unrestricted and unbridled freedom to frame and organise the debate.

The panellists were Alexander Döring from the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation, Christophe Jolly, a farmer based in Belgium, and Marie-Cécile Damave from the think tank agrIDées.

Too often companies try to protect themselves from the outside world. So it is great to see leadership from a company like Syngenta, who chooses to bring the outside world in! As a partner, NOWMORE can bring those points of view across and facilitate a constructive debate. Judging by the attendance of around 200 members of staff, it was a successful initiative!